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Get Involved at BUMC

There are many ways you can become a part of our vibrant church life! Below are a list of the groups/committees at the Barrington United Methodist Church. In addition, you may wish to be a greeter, usher, acolyte, liturgist, or become a member of our Christian Education team. We are always looking for new ideas for new programs. If you would like to make a suggestion for something you wish to see at BUMC, please e-mail or call the church office!

Committee Mission Statements
-As provided by the
United Methodist New England Annual Conference
Worship Committee:
To work with the pastor and leader(s) of music to ensure that the congregation provides opportunities for worship that will help people develop and strengthen their relationship with God and will help them live more faithfully as Christian disciples
Christian Education:
To provide learning experiences for people of all ages so that they may grow in understanding the gospel and become better equipped for daily living as faithful Christian disciples
Administrative Council:
To lead the congregation in long-range planning and in carrying out its programs so that people are received into its fellowship, encouraged in strengthening their relationship with God, and supported as they seek to live as Christian disciplines
Staff & Parish Relations Committee (SPPRC):
To support the pastor and other staff so that these people can work effectively in managing the ministry of the congregation for witness and service
Missions & Outreach Committee:
To address the concerns and conditions of people in the community and across the world so that the quality of life can be improved for all
Board of Trustees:
To support your pastor and other staff so that these people can work effectively in managing the ministry of your congregation for witness and service
Finance Committee:
To propose, raise, manage, and distribute the resouces of the congregation to support and strengthen the mission and ministry of the congregation
Health & Wellness Committee:
To involve the congregation, through relationships with health and welfare ministries units of the general church, in direct service to specific groups of people so that their lives may become whole
Youth Group:
To address the concerns and condition of youth in the community so that they may grow in their understanding of themselves and the Christian faith, and that their quality of life may be improved

Spiritual & Support Groups:
Our church choir is led by the Music Director and pianist/organist who works with our pastor to merge the music into the worship experience. Depending on the time of year, the music ranges from upbeat and catchy to solemn and reflective. Though some background knowledge of music is needed (as we have a four-part harmony), the ages and expertise of members range greatly. Come join us!
Prayer Circle:
The Prayer Circle is a small group that prays every morning for suggested people within our congregation, community, and beyond. If someone is in need of prayer or announcement, all it takes is a phone call to one person to get the chain going. They meet every 3 months to review the list and make changes/suggestions.
Gloria's Girls:
The Gloria Girls are a group of women who meet once a month for a lunch and social gathering and fun fellowship. They continually invite women of all faiths to join them for a celebration of friendship and comfort.
Women's Spirituality Group:
The Women's Spirituality Group is a group of women who come together to strengthen their faith, celebrate their joys, and ease the private struggles life sends their way. With God as their foundation, and Jesus as their guide, the Holy Spirit moves them to serve as spiritual ministers.
Dinner Committee:
The mission of the Dinner Committee is to plan and organize social functions that create fellowship opportunities for the congregation and community, with a goal to create an atmosphere that satisfies the stomach as well as the soul.
Adult Studies:
Adults in our congregation meet during the Sunday School time to discuss spiritual journeys, views, and growth. views. This year there are two options. The first is a discussion based on a book titled And the Angels Were Silent, by Max Lucado. The second is a group called The Wired Word, and focuses on current events in the world and digesting them from a spiritual perspecitve.
The Fundraising group focuses on fun and exciting ways to both promote teamwork and fellowship, while at the same time generating funds for the church budget. Such events include dinners, beard shavings, yard & book sales, the Festival of the Trees, and much more!
Disciple Bible Study:
The Disciple Bible Study is a new course that is offered by Rev. Bark. Over the course of 34 weeks, the goal is to familiarize the student with each of the books of the Bible and to demonstrate the internal integrity of the Bible as a whole. It traces God's self-revelation from the Creation in Genesis, through the proclamation of the "good news" by Jesus, past the resurrection of the Christ, and into the apocalypse of John.